Brainwaves, Binuaral Beats, Can Improve Quality of Life Naturally


The brain produces energy waves, commonly called brainwaves, that pulse at certain frequencies or vibration. These vibrations resonate with the vibrational energy of everything around us.

Have you ever walked into a room where electronic equipment was buzzing and it gave you a headache or made you cranky or irritable? That’s evidence of vibrational energy colliding with your own brainwaves to alter mood and physical function.

Mob mentality is a condition in which many people, when lumped together in physical presence, all begin to vibrate or resonate with the same negative energy as those around them. This energy builds on the energy of the others, growing until the crowd becomes out of control.

Brainwave Technology Changes Mood

So if brainwaves work like this in non-desirous effects, then it’s possible to use brainwave technology to bring about positive changes in mood, personality and physical well-being.

Binaural beats are one way to help the brainwaves vibrate or resonate at a specific frequency. Each frequency the brain passes through has a different focus or purpose, so you should seek to get your brainwaves to the appropriate frequency in Hertz to achieve the desired results.

Beta Waves – Concentration / Alertness

The beta brainwaves are the fastest, most rapid-cycling brainwaves, with a frequency range of about fourteen cycles per second to about 100 cycles per second (14Hz-100Hz). Most of our active, working day will be spent with our brain in beta wave mode, which is the normal waking state, focusing on work, study, or dealing with concrete data or problems. Beta waves are the most dominate brainwaves humans experience and are associated with alertness, concentration, cognition.

Of course, all brainwaves can cause problems when they are at excessive levels, and beta waves in excess are mostly responsible for experiencing anxiety and fear.

Alpha Waves – Wakeful Relaxation / Calm

Closing our eyes, letting ourselves drift off and relax a bit without going to sleep, when the tensions slip out of our shoulders and our energy relaxes. This might be the state humans are in while daydreaming, watching a casual television program, sipping a cup of tea in the recliner with feet up. There is little mental focus in alpha brainwave mode. Healthy, emotionally happy people spend a good amount of time in alpha brainwave mode.

Those who don’t spend much time in alpha, due to illness, mental problems, injuries to the brain, or other reasons, will likely experience psychiatric problems, anxiety, stress and physical ailments.

Theta Waves – Calm Creativity

Theta brainwaves resonate at a frequency of about 4-8Hz. These are slow, rhythmic brainwaves that are in that place halfway between wakefulness and sleep. This is the state you’re in when you’re lying in bed, drifting off to sleep, but your mind is still actively engaged in the creative process. Waking dreams, manifestations, drowsiness and deep relaxation for meditation are best achieved during theta wave activity.

Delta Waves – Deep Sleep / Healing

Delta waves are the slowest of all brainwaves, below 4Hz, and are the predominate brainwaves we experience while sleeping. Delta waves almost exclusively are experienced while sleeping or in an unconscious state of being, but some people can actually experience delta waves while awake but in a deep meditative state. Our bodies heal during delta wave cycles, so it’s extremely important that people get enough sleep time in delta brainwave mode in order to stay healthy, both mentally and physically.

Brainwave Synchronization with Binaural Beats

While our brain will slip into these different brainwave modes on its own, as we experience our daily life events and go through our daily processes, it is possible to force the brain into experiencing different brainwave modes intentionally too.

If we need help concentrating, then binaural beats that produce alpha waves in the brain can help. If we are meditating and need help with creative visualization, theta waves can help us get there.

If we need help falling asleep, listening to binaural beats for delta waves can help induce sleep.

The sound waves, these binaural beats, usually require headphones to listen to and are often packaged with music or relaxing sounds to help you lean back, listen and enjoy, until your brainwaves come into proper resonance with the state of being you seek. Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment and synchronization meditations and music are available for purchase from reputable alternative medicine and healing practitioner retailers, as well as music and other specialty retailers, and a quick search of the internet can also help those with the right equipment to create their own binaural beats.

But much like the biofeedback craze of the 70s and 80s, we can actually put ourselves into certain brainwave states without them. Meditation, creative focusing, relaxation, napping and other techniques can all help put us in certain brainwave states to help induce specific emotions, feelings, moods or healing properties.


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