If you are growing tomatoes with no experience, start with young plants.
Container And Soil
To grow tomatoes, consider large sized container because it provides enough space for the roots to grow and accommodate more nutrients which helps in healthy growth of plants.
Every year change the place of the container which...
pH of the soil is a measurement of alkalinity or acidity of the soil in pH units. pH stand for potential hydrogen. It is the measurement of number of hydrogen ions present in the soil and it is determined on a scale that moves from 0 to 14.
Most Acidic
“The Greatest Gift Of Garden Is The Restoration Of The Five Senses”. - Hanna Rion
“The Most Noteworthy Thing About Gardeners Is That They Are Always Optimistic, Always Enterprising & Never Satisfied. They Always Look Forward To Doing Something Better Than They Have Ever Done Before” - Vita Sackville
“Who Would Have Thought...
Excitement is great but don’t rush to stores and buy every available garden product. Learn to be economical when buying products, tools and limit the purchases in accordance with your current needs.
If you are just starting out, you don’t necessarily require all the expensive tools and products. What you...
Staking provides stability and support to tomato plants.
Staking Determinate Variety
Most of determinate varieties(bushes) do not require support. If you have high yield of tomatoes, use stalking which supports the plant by preventing extra strain and damage on the stem.
It also prevents damage to the fruits. Prefer bamboo sticks as...
Carrot is a versatile vegetable and grows in all climatic conditions. The most important information you should know about growing carrots are selecting seeds, selecting containers, type of soil, how to plant, thinning, weeding etc.
Carrots are easy to grow in containers. Selected container should be 12-14 inch deep and should have proper...
Carrot seeds are used to grow carrots. Along with orange color, carrots are available in red, purple, yellow and white colors in your local gardening stores, nurseries and online stores.
Usually orange carrot seeds are mostly available in markets when compared to other type of carrot seeds.
Types Of Carrot Seeds:
Blight is a fungal disease which is caused by the spores of phytophthora infestans. These spores moves with the help of wind and infect the plant. You do not even have an indication of blight until the plant gets spoiled.
Blight is particularly observed in warm and humid climatic conditions...
Once you have sown your seed and fulfill it requirements, the seeds starts turning into plants and gets ready for maturity.
After plantation, you should pay very close attention on its requirements irrespective of the variety you have chosen. Maturing and harvesting are same for all kinds of varieties.
Water the plant just...
Kitchen gardening is an advanced way of gardening were we cultivate different varieties of fruits, vegetables and a lot of spices next to our kitchen.
We can grow all kind of flowers, fruits and vegetables all year round regardless of climate outside the window. The plants growing indoors not only...