Ultimate Guide On Types Of Soil & Soil Test Procedure


There are many types of soil available in market which are less in cost, hassle free and gives good result. They have the perfect combination of pH, calcium and all the nutrients that are necessary for plant growth. But this pre-prepared soil is good for growing plants in pots and containers.

When you are planning to grow plants in comparatively larger area then you should maintain proper ratio of clay, sand and fertilizers.

Earth has different types of surfaces like deserts, rocky cliffs, green meadows, plains, hill areas, sandy beaches and ice pack areas etc.

Usually people living in plains, gets the best soil as they require little amount of fertilizers. Naturally plains have good soil which makes the plant to grow.

Different Types Of Soils

Sandy Soil:

  • This type of soil is large in particles, grainy and rough to touch.
  • Sandy soil retains moisture, well drained and perfect for most of the plants.
  • It provides aeration and needs little fertilizer.
  • This type of soil warms up and cools down very quickly at surface area.


  • Silty Soil is also known as river or canal sand.
  • It is less grainy with small particles when compared with sand.
  • Seedlings grows well in the silty soil when it sis composed with peat(peat retains moisture for longer periods).
  • It suits for both container gardening and kitchen gardening.

Useful Resources:

Kitchen Gardening Essential Guide: Learn How To Grow Plants In Kitchen

Plant Containers, Pots & Planters: The Essential Guide For Gardeners


Clay is mostly found in plains. When clay is mixed with sand, silt, compost and peat then we can use it for cultivation. When clay soil is wet, it becomes sticky. When dried it looks like solid dry mass.

Peaty Soil:

It is actually not the soil but a decomposition of various natural products that provides good nutrient value for growing plants.

Peaty soil is grainy and black in color.

Saline or Chalky Soil:

Saline soil is a sick kind of soil where you observe growth of weak and dull plants.

It is not good for cultivation until it is prepared and treated well. It has chalky or white layer at surfaces.

Loamy Soil:

It is best for growing all types of plants. Loamy soil is dry, soft, powdery and water retentive.

Loamy Soil is a mixture of different kinds of soil other than chalky soil in different ratios.

How To Check The Type Of The Soil In Your Lawn:

The most easy and inexpensive method to check the type of soil that is explained below.

  • Fill a jar with clean water.
  • Take a handful of soil from your lawn and mix in water jar.
  • Stir well.
  • Leave it for 3-4 hours to settle.
  • Observe the results.

Sandy Soil: Sandy soil particles will sink down to the bottom and leave the water clear.

Clay Soil: It will leave rusty, dirty and cloudy water with a thin layer of its particles in the bottom of the jar.
It takes lot of time for particles to settle down at the bottom.

Silty Soil: It shows same results as clay soil. All the sandy particles settle down at the bottom as thin layer and makes water hazy.

Peaty Soil: Water will change its color into grey shade.
Lots of tiny particles of compost is observed on the top.
A thin layer of residue settles at the bottom.

Chalky Soil: This type of soil will form grainy remains with a white layer in the bottom.
It changes water color into pale grey.

Loamy Soil:
All the fine particles are observed on the surface of water. The water does not changes its color and stays clear.

Perfect Soil For Kitchen Garden & Lawn:

Loamy soil is best option for all kind of plants.

What should I do if I don’t have this type of soil?

The only solution is mixture of clay, silt and sand. Mix them in equal quantity. This will result ideal texture of the soil and well suited for growing most of the plants.

Sometimes the ratio changes for particular plants then do proper research to meet the requirement of your plant.

Always monitor your soil. If it is very dense or hard to dig, plough it well to make it soft enough for growing plants. Now, mix the soil in proper proportion to provide dampness and aeration.

If the soil is very loose, add the peat to hold the water.

Fertilizers improves plant growth and increases the quality of the soil. If your plant is not growing and not giving fruits or flowers as previous season, its time to provide fertilizers.

Perfect Soil For Pots & Containers:

The type of soil used in pots and containers is different from lawn soil.

Pots and containers needs the soil that is well aerated, well drained, moisture retentive and pest free. So, plants should be grown in potting soil.


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